Andrew BevanEnglish

Concerning some of the Ancient terms of Astrology


There are some topics of classical astrology, which apart from a few fragments here and there, there isn’t really a lot of material written about them. Due to the scarcity of text, it is as if we didn’t quite know what these terms meant or how to use them. So, they either got lost or put to one side, but the problem being we might not fully understand our field, or the full scope of Astrology. While I don’t want to claim monopoly on the subject, through decades I’ve been struggling with the material gathering ideas and observations on my way. Now, I really need to share with my fellow astrologers. Because, as our material grows and gets extensive, we hardly want our work and efforts to get lost. And, today, it takes no more than a busted hard-drive before buckets of notes go down the drain. Sharing what you have got is one way of making sure that this does not happen. So let’s do it!

The Diurnal and the Nocturnal Planets

The first concern goes to the Diurnal and the Nocturnal planets, which again relates to something called Sect, which means Clan, Crew or Tribe. Of the Diurnal Sect are the planets Sun, Jupiter and Saturn, while the Nocturnals are the Moon, Venus and Mars. Mercury is of an interchangeable nature and a diurnal when rising ahead of the Sun, yet nocturnal while setting after it.

For the sake of simplicity, when dealing with the diurnal and nocturnal issue, think of the entire Day as being divided into two shifts; a Daywatch and a Nightwatch. The Daywatches have a tendency to be easier and more orderly than the nightshifts; easier to staff and find the right personnel, while the Nightwatches are more difficult and complex. During Day, the Sun is above the horizon and it will be the governing Light of that time – the Primary on Duty. When he is under the horizon and below the Earth, he is off duty – as simple as that. But the presence of the Sun either above or below the horizon is the deciding factor for whether it is Day or Night and, in this way, he decides for all the other planets. The Sun is unique in this Manner. The other planets vary.

During Night, the Sun gives the command of the watch and light to the Moon. So she will be the Primary of this period; her Watch or Duty. But, in contrast to the behaviour of the Sun who is always above the Earth in his own period, she may be located either above or below the horizon at this time. This is why Night watches are more complex – because they may be either manned or unmanned. Sometimes during night, the staff is on the job, awake and guarding, as in a home or a hospital – as would be the case with the nocturnal planets about the horizon during night. While other watches are unattended, which means that a ship, home, business or vessel of any kind may be left drifting unattended, without personnel but on autopilot, as it were; the Nocturnals being below the Earth during night at this time. So, the location of the Sun in either the upper or the lower hemisphere decides who is in command and which planets are on guard or on watch. But these other planets may be located either above or below the horizon, or above or below the deck during these watches. The Sun is always above the horizon during Day, so the Daywatch is always manned and mounted.

When the Sun is below the horizon and the Moon above, at these times the Moon is found in her proper Light, glamour and glory, and may correctly be called ‘the Queen of the Night’. And she shines and shows herself at this time, elsewise not. If the Moon is in the lower hemisphere during night, her responsibilities are subordinate. She will still have the overall responsibility, management and lead of the nocturnal period, but she doesn’t have to be awake, present or operative in the same way. She may be sleeping or resting, or maybe she is on call. Under these circumstances, it is useful if another nocturnal planet is above the horizon at this time, and this planet will potentially be very powerful, influential and strong. Yet, the more planets that are below the horizon, under deck or found in their passive halb, the more such matters are due to be left in the dark and subject to circumstance or coincidence.

There are times of emergency where a Captain or a Primary may call for ‘All Hands On Deck’. At such an occasion, as when in a storm, it is both useful and sometimes vital or crucial to have the extra hands. As many planets as possible may be summoned above the horizon at that time. Yet, when this occurs, even then it is useful to know who is in charge and who’s watch it is. Because during day the nocturnals are secondary to the diurnals, and during night the diurnals are secondary to the nocturnals; or else you could have all sorts of people getting in one another’s way, meddling with affairs or stepping on one another’s toes – and this may be the cause of irritation and animosity. The manner in which the additional planets or staff are essentially dignified gives a clue to whether the extra hands are useful or not. Because a planet without essential dignity would be regarded as weak, useless or more of a burden. Sometimes, people who do not know either their place or their part are more in the way.

However, planets above the horizon do tend to have a better overview and perspective on things. They know (can see) what is going on. Projects are better planned, consciously managed and decided. Yet a lot of planets above the horizon show the presence of a deliberate will and force among other circumstances. In general terms, A.T. Mann used to say that the Sun and Moon over the horizon in a birth chart was one indication in the direction of an intended and willed conception and birth. The parents knew what they were doing and wanted the child, other factors in the chart being stable. While the Sun and Moon under the horizon was an indication of an unintended and unplanned conception. Because the parents were in the dark and unaware of the proceedings. The parents still ‘wanted’ the child, but didn’t know it.

I did have a few cases where almost all the planets were above the horizon and too many things seemed to happen in this person’s life too early. So everything was out in the day and going on too fast without the ordinary time to seek out, learn, yearn or wonder; rest and digest. Just give this observation some thought in regard to the natural balance required in all things.

The highest and uppermost planet in a chart is given considerable importance due to it’s elevation and overall view. Yet this is more correctly the planet closest to the ‘Nonagesimal’, which is in the upper hemisphere and square the ascendant, rather than being the MC – even though these positions most often are closely related.

THOSE PLANETS that are NOT ON WATCH but OUT of their Light, i.e. the diurnals by night or the nocturnals by day, are OFF DUTY and in their Leisure. IF then found in the lower hemisphere, these planets are either resting, sleeping or recharging their batteries. And in a healthy state. Yet, a planet off watch but above the horizon at this time is not resting or asleep, but awake – even though it may have been more natural for that planet to be at rest and sleeping. So here there may be some stress or tension present, or something else that is taxing. Consider the essential dignities, quality and state of any planet to judge whether its influence and performance is for good or for ill.

Too MANY planets ON WATCH placed in their wrong halb, i.e. the diurnal planets below the horizon during the day, or the nocturnals during the night, may describe too much activity going on below deck or in a dislocated sector; in the wrong place or at the wrong time of the day. It could indicate either a hyperactive subconsciousness with vivid dreaming, or too much partying or activity from those significators which, in this way, could disturb the natural rest of the other planets. Too many planets in a state of activeness and alertness gathered with those off duty where the guard is down. There is also a type that in private settings only wants to talk about work; just like there is a person on the job that only wants to talk about personal things. So, consider a planet’s location and think about how things are put together.

The Halb and the Hayiz

I will mention these terms because the Halb is the case where a planet is in its correct half and hemisphere according to its Sect, Light and Watch; so the diurnal planets are in their correct Halb when above the horizon during the Day, or below the horizon during the Night. Although the Sun can only be counted as being in his own Halb during the Day. Vice versa, the Nocturnals are only in their own halb when above the horizon during the Night, or below the horizon during the Day. At this time a planet is in its right response mode, glamour or state of comfort. A planet in its correct Halb experiences opportunity. Because there is either the occasion, or it is supported, mounted, founded – and in its own rights. The Moon needs to be above the horizon during the Night to be in her correct Halb. When the two Lights appear in opposite halbs, upper and lower hemispheres, there is balance in Nature.

If a planet at this time is in a sign of its own gender, i.e. a masculine planet in a masculine sign, or a feminine planet in a feminine sign, then we say it is in Hayiz. A planet is said to be more content,  happy and efficient in its business at this time. But it is also the case of a person being more correctly addressed for the occasion, adequately equipped according to his nature and with his tools at hand. Again we must remember that whatever virtue a planet may collect through its essential dignities it is the prime teller of a planet’s quality and usefulness. But, at the same time, there may occur a question of whether there is a doctor in the audience. If such a significator is found in its Hayiz at this time, it is more likely that the person is appropriately dressed and has his toolbox with him so he may correctly address the situation. Without the ‘hayiz’, the person is more likely to be in civilian, out of uniform and without the appropriate tools by his side.

A planet out of Halb and located below the horizon contrary to its watch, is due to have less power, influence and impact on a chart. Its capacity for good or bad may still be present but the person is no longer sittingin the board of directors or managing staff with the same executive power or force, as it were; but this significator is more dependent on the management of others, i.e. Jupiter, a diurnal planet, below the horizon by day. His fortunes may be delayed and wait upon the decisions and actions of others.

Diurnal and Nocturnal Signs

Regarding the Diurnal and the Nocturnal signs, this is like an ‘On’ or ‘Off’-switch. At first, the labelling of Diurnal and Nocturnal signs simply appears to be another name for positive and negative, or masculine and feminine. Because Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are diurnal, positive and masculine; Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are nocturnal, negative and feminine. But to make that assumption would be a mistake. Here it is important to keep the different descriptions and words apart, because they mean different things and are supposed to be applied on different occasions.

For, during Day, when the Sun is above the horizon, the Diurnal signs are ‘On’ and Nocturnal signs are ‘Off’. During night, when the Sun is below the horizon, the Nocturnal signs are ‘On’, turning the diurnal signs ‘Off’. From this point on, it all has to do with Right of Way, just as in traffic. Red lights say stop, green lights say go. Most situations alternate in this manner allowing some matters to proceed, while others are stalled. At a red light your journey is halted while other traffic passes. The signs that are ‘Green, Open or On’ are the diurnal signs by Day or the nocturnal signs by Night. The signs that are ‘Red’ and ‘Off’ are the nocturnal signs by Day or diurnal signs by Night. These closed gates must give way, are submissive and less important. But in particular you should notice how the planets collect additional resources from their diurnal signs by day and from their nocturnal signs by night. For it is as if they had an extra pocket in this place. This observation is quite spectacular and often an indication of unexpected gifts or fortunes.

One favourite metaphor of mine is that of an Airport. You are waiting to board your aircraft. When your sign is On, Open or Green, like the diurnal signs by Day or nocturnal signs by Night, the Gates are open; you have Right of Way and Priority Boarding in a manner of speaking. If the sign is ‘Off’ it is more like you were travelling on a cheap ticket, stripped of privileges and perks. Your rights are limited, conditioned or filtered. You may not board. You might lack a luggage allowance and may not even have an allocated seat. The Shops are closed. As go the toilets. You are secondary, hardly important and there are no services. Even worse, matters might be flowing the wrong way, or be counteractive. A Sign out of its light or period is restricted and a planet here has to wait on the side-line while another business passes. The Red Light denies access and permission. A planet in a sign that does not have ‘Right of Way’ has to wait its turn or for a rotation of affairs.

There are situations where this is interesting, because the performance of a planet may be regulated this way on any level. For instance, if a planet is in its own sign, which could be the signature of a King, yet it would still not be in its true regal state if having to yield to other circumstances. Also suggesting that any Royal supersedence at such a time would be against the popular stream. But, in conclusion, a planet will always be allowed to express itself more openly and readily if located in a diurnal sign by day, or in a nocturnal sign by night. Also, a planet finds an extra pocket or item of wealth in its diurnal domicile by day and in its nocturnal domicile by night.

A planet in a condition opposite to Hayiz, meaning that it was both out of its correct halb and gender, would indicate a person in the most discomfort or inadequate situation – not prepared for the situation at all. In lack of a better metaphor, I would suggest it was like a person being caught in his pyjamas – in the wrong place and at the wrong time of the day. So, in conclusion, such a planet would  seem less suited or adequately prepared, and more vulnerable under such circumstances.

The Contention

The last consideration is that of the ‘contention’ which is a condition that is only very briefly mentioned in the work of Al-Biruni. Here it is referred to as almost the reverse of the hayiz, meaning either a debilitation or a state of discomfort. While the debilitation is probably true, the explanation elsewise is rather misleading because the ‘contention’ does not refer to the genders of Masculinity or Femininity, nor the question of Day and Night, but to a Matter of Rhythm & Rhyme, and Pace, as in regard to the disposition by Sect.

This Has to be Clarified.

The rulers of the different signs belong to different sects. Here we have the diurnal and nocturnal sect; viz. Sun, Jupiter, Saturn – diurnal, Moon, Venus, Mars – nocturnal; Mercury – changeable. A planet is at its own senses and in an organized setting and arrangement, when located in a sign ruled by a planet of its own sect; A diurnal planet in a sign ruled by a diurnal planet, or a nocturnal planet in a sign ruled by a nocturnal planet; i.e. Jupiter in the signs of either Sun, Jupiter or Saturn (Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius). Or Mars in the signs of either Moon, Venus or Mars (Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Aries, Scorpio). Note that Mercury is diurnal when rising before the Sun, so he is the diurnal dispositor of Gemini and Virgo at this time. In the same sense, he is nocturnal when setting after the Sun, hence the nocturnal dispositor of Gemini and Virgo when so found.

If a planet is not in a sign ruled by a planet of its own sect, but the dispositor is found in a sign ruled by a planet of ITS own and correct sect, then the first planet is still alright; because if the first planet has not taken care of its own arrangements, then they have still been taken care of by someone else; like a back man, dispositor or arranger. Because, in this case, „Whatever you are missing or need to know will either be looked after by your friends or host, or you can ask for it in the reception”.

IF a planet is neither in a sign of a planet belonging to its own sect, nor is the dispositor of this sign; both being in signs contrary to their sect – THEN we have the ‘Contention’. In this manner, a planet in Contention is shown as vulnerable, disorientated and poorly organized.  It is out of sync, out of step, out of tune – and does not have the right to run up to the leaping board. It’s a case of poor timing. Such a significator is unfamiliar with the local customs or whereabouts, does not know where to find things or how to set about. Jokes or gestures might not work out and, in the worst case, they will be misunderstood or will seem inappropriate. So, it indicates someone who may seem at a loss in a situation for not having done his or her homework, or because of misunderstanding or neglect; or by simply being a victim of circumstance – but in this manner not having ‘his or her day’. Matters tend to go against the current of expectancy, thus there might be the experience of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And in this way it is a little as the ‘opposite to Hayiz’.


So the contention is a state where a diurnal planet is in the sign, home and domicile of a nocturnal planet, the latter nocturnal planet being in the sign of a diurnal; or a nocturnal planet in the sign, home or domicile of a diurnal planet, the latter diurnal planet in the home of a nocturnal. Both planets, both the significator and its dispositor are out of sect; hence their own rhythm and routine.

Example: Jupiter, a diurnal, in either Taurus or Libra, ruled by Venus, a nocturnal. She being positioned in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius, ruled by diurnal Saturn. Or the nocturnal Moon being in Leo, the home of the diurnal Sun. He being in the sign of Aries or Scorpio, disposed by the nocturnal Mars. This causes a ‘contention’. The contention is a condition that indicates the first and primary planet or significator being out of sync, lacking rhythm and pace in the location it is in; first on its own terms – then secondly confirmed and not saved, by the condition of its pace-partner.

Concerning a Planet located in a sign ruled by a Planet of its own sect

Let’s also consider the matter in this manner: a planet in a sign of its own sect, i.e. a diurnal planet in either its own sign or that of another diurnal planet, or a nocturnal planet in either its own sign or that of another nocturnal planet, has the correct rhythm and pace in its situation of location. In this manner, it indicates a person who more readily gets to grip with any situation and in this way is a quick learner. Someone who is more properly prepared and organized, and who more readily responds and is in a position to stand on his or her own ground.

Some people are like this; Whether due to hold a lecture or concert, even in a foreign country or arena; some people are so well structured they do not depend upon their environment, or the state of the ‘hotel room’ or surroundings, to carry out their purpose and business successfully. Yet, others do not have this sense of order, which could be the case if a diurnal planet was located in the sign of a nocturnal, or a nocturnal planet in a sign ruled by a diurnal. So the significator does not have its own schedule or arrangements in order, but everything will still be alright if taken care of by its dispositor; the host or organiser. Yet a planet in a sign disposed by a planet of its own sect is more likely to get along on its own and be the subject of better order, conduct, timing and command.

If a planet does not have virtue and resources from its own natural state and location, then it more leans and depends upon the state and balance of its dispositor. But, according to this rule, it also becomes evident how the condition of any planet is greatly endorsed by the state of its dispositor. So, a significator in a poor and debilitated state may still be in a location that is well-equipped and of high standards, and hence has its situation greatly improved, as shown by the essential and accidental dignities of its dispositor of whatever level. In this way, the planetary placements of any chart convey the details and qualities of circumstance to us in so many ways.

Honorary Member of Romanian Astrologers Association,
Special Guest Editor

Facebook: Astrolog Andrew Bevan / Astrologi123
Ålesund, Norway

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