On Classical technique and Horary Astrology. Case study: apartment for sale

Anyone who has been following my work the recent years will know how much I love to delve into the techniques of antique Astrology. Sometimes there are small details which are described only by fragments found in ancient text. But then, when you brush the dust off those primeval ideas and think things through, often they reveal their suit through forgotten and undiscovered meanings; the question of radicality and topic of Ptolemy’s table of planetary essential dignities, being among some of my favourite studies. Well, sometimes I’m into theory, other times it’s practical work without the opportunity to explain. Because the client isn’t at this level. Yet a log consisting of technical notes and observations is performed on every conversation. Together this makes up decades of study. Here is just a chart to show how tools may be applied.
Please appreciate that a lot of my horary work nowadays is done on an ‘On-the-Fly’-basis. With this I mean clients contact me over a Payphone service. I don’t know who they are and the fee per minute is rather pricey.The service has both its merits and downfalls. Yet it is excellent for meeting a new audience and introducing the initial sample of whether ‘astrology has anything to offer for you’. Then customers with more complex and dire needs can rapidly be moved over to alternative and more appropriate forms of consultation. However, one thing I do experience and continue to rejoice, is how the Payphone environment creates an ultimate arena for the horary astrologer. Because ‘Who’ is moved to call, ‘When’ and concerning ‘What’, appears highly random which is in tune with the moment. While the unprepared sessions aren’t optimal for all types of astrological work, with horary it is very much a case of ‘fluency’ and you treat matters as they ‘come with the wind’, which is in the true spirit of Astrology. Matters are dealt with as they present themselves, there and then; and in the ‘time frame’ of the Querent. Having worked in this way for years I prefer clients coming to me at a time when ‘they need me’, rather than me hauling them in to pre-scheduled sessions. This is because I should not push things or interfere. It is neither my timeframe or needs that have to be read, but the querent’s time flow that is topical. If I do not abide by these rules, then I reduce my ability to conceive my client’s state and travel through time and space considerably.
But so you appreciate; clients who approach me generally get what they have come for and move on. Some do return on a regular basis in either weekly, monthly or annually, but people don’t just call back and book another session for the mere purpose of telling how things worked out. Neither do I stalk my clients for the need of personal confirmation. In the same way customers rarely phone back to their take-away restaurant to convey the delightful effects of a recently digested meal. Nor do clients book a new appointment with their dentist to report the satisfaction of a successful bite. We leave our car mechanic at the garage as soon as the car is fixed. People take the job for granted and move on. So for this reason, I just stick with my job and this is simply the chart as I read it.
„Will my Apartment be Sold?”

The querent here is an elderly woman who has put her house up for sale. There will be a public viewing within the next few days and she is wondering whether anyone will show interest and her residence be sold. The question was asked at 15.48 CEST on Wednesday, May 22 2024. The chart is cast for my location, Aalesund, Norway, 68N28, 6E09, which is the place of the artist. And if anyone wonders why I am choosing my location, it is simply because it is in my place there is a ‘parting in the clouds’ and the question can be resolved. The querent resides in another part of the country, I know not where. The question was posed on the Day and in the Hour of Mercury, which is quickly spotted from the placement of the Sun in the 1st half of the 9th house, which measures up the 8th hour of the Day. Libra is rising in the Ascendant. In this manner the chart is radical, because the Lord of the Hour, Mercury, and the Lady of the Ascendant, Venus, are in the same sign, Taurus.
In this question, the 1st house is for the querent, with Libra on the Ascendant. Venus, the Lady thereof, is her significator; and also planets in the 1st house, but of which there are none. Yet, we do find the Moon’s South Node in the 1st, which could be a token of weakness, turbulence or some unfortunate circumstance. It could also relate to a condition of the spine, kidneys or hip (Libra). This was not revealed, yet she was no longer wed or in a relationship (Libra). I would describe the querent as formal and contained in her approach, as indicated by the terms of Saturn on the cusp of the 1st, which shows in what way a person is cut, built or ‘tooled’, composed or inclined. Because the term shows how something performs.
The 7th house is for the quesitive, which in this instance concerns the participation and interaction of a potential buyer. Aries on the cusp of the 7th, makes Mars the primary significator of the buyer. Mars is in his own sign, Aries, and potentially strong. But already at this stage I spot that Mars is neither in, nor performing any major aspects to any other planets in the radical chart. In fact, he is unaspected. As is the case with Mercury, Lord of the Hour, so already here we have something that could cause problems for a transaction; two important planets are making no aspects. Remember in your judgement that in addition to other primary significators, the Lord of the Hour often provides an important ‘hint’ or clue.
When regarding matters of real estate, the 4th house and its Lord, and any planets within the 4th house describe the property and quality of land. Here Capricorn is on the cusp of the 4th house with Saturn in Pisces, cadent in the 6th. Pluto is retrograde in the 4th house. The querent describes her house as old and close to water, either a lake or the sea. It has a decentralized location, as indicated by Saturn’s placement in a cadent house. It belongs to an elderly housing cooperative and building site, and where the whole area and complex is in the need of a major redo. Note that Saturn has no essential dignities in his degree in Pisces. Also, Pluto in the 4th in the beginning of Aquarius, retrograde, warns that considerable changes and modifications should be due to the territory in years to come. Roads will be dug up and earth turned.
Saturn undignified in Pisces may indicate weakness on so many levels, both to the inward structure, to the insulation materials within the walls and the general exterior. Saturn is conjunct the Part of Fortune, which also may be taken as a general significator of the property, so there is no doubt the flat that it is described by Saturn and Pisces. Had Saturn had been in his own face, the property may still have had its charm, with a well-tended coat of paint and probably a more desirable garden. This is not present. Saturn in his own terms would have been a stronger token of the quality and build.
The price a property can attract and obtain is shown by the 10th house and its ruler; where Cancer is on the cusp of the Midheaven, and the Moon in Scorpio, the sign of her fall, in the cadent 3rd house. Again, an indication of weakness. Cancer on the 10th indicates the price may change and, in the view of the weakness of the Moon, the bidding will not be strong. Not to the querents satisfaction because the Moon moves to the opposition of Venus, the significator of the querent. First, Luna applies to the opposition of Uranus, which also would indicate that parties had individual, separate and different thoughts.
Note how the Face of the Moon is on the Ascendant, Cancer on the 10th, so the querent is vulnerable on this matter and can be wavered. However, the Moon is in a sign of the same powers as herself, viz. Scorpio is cold and moist; so while the Moon is in a state of inconvenience (fall) and has no relation to the place she is in, due to the lack of dignity, she still performs as a coincidental passer-by and contributor to the resources made available within this sign. So there is apt to come a bid or an offer. The Moon is located in the terms and face of Venus, who also is her friend by mutual powers, so in this way the Moon applies to her dispositor – and despite their opposition there will be negotiations. While they could have come to an agreement on these grounds, the opposition to Uranus gets in the way. The cadency of the significators, Moon and Venus, Saturn and Fortuna included, are all likely to hold back because cadency postpones – and matters will be delayed.
Venus, who is lady of the Ascendant and significator of the querent, who is the seller, actually applies to the conjunction of Jupiter. This is interesting, because it occurs in the final degree of Taurus, but which according to Bonatus (aph.30, The Astrologer’s Guide, edited by Lilly) means that the planet has no hold or virtue (future) in that sign, but has a leaning to the next. So Jupiter would not ‘keep’ anything for a period of time, if acting in that capacity. But note how Jupiter has his terms on the cusp of the 7th (0-6° Aries). Also that he is the dispositor of both Saturn, who is the significator of the property, and Fortuna, who are both located in his sign of Pisces. So in one way he relates to the real estate as a dispositor or potential manager. Yet, it is the Lord and Ruler of a sign that may take possession and ownership of a residence and place, as Mars is ruler of the 7th house. But not Jupiter, who merely disposes the 7th by his own terms. For the Lord of the 7th would represent a full hand, family or household, while the dispositor by term shows a single figure, ‘finger’, tradesman or worker. In this case, Jupiter would be either a carpenter or somebody who worked with wood (Jupiter), or furniture (Taurus), or who knew how to work a garden (Taurus). Jupiter is in the terms of Mars, so Jupiter is equipped with the correct know-how, weaponry and tools. In the terms of the Lord of the 7th, he knows how to work things to the interest of a buyer. So Jupiter is a person who would be interested in taking over the property at a low price for the purpose of putting it into a better state and then selling on it to someone else for a profit.
There is a mixed reception between Jupiter and Saturn, seeing that Saturn and Fortuna are in the sign of Jupiter, while Jupiter is in the face of Saturn. So Jupiter can see the value in giving Saturn, the property, a Face-lift; but the reception by face does not offer true strength or structure of own accord and is more like a con, cosmetic fix, selling point or make-believe. In this way the value of a ‘face’ is rather superficial, and of less value and endurance, unless enforced by other qualities; but first impressions do count. The problem in terms of the question and objectives of the chart is that the immediate options offered are unattractive for the querent. The primary significators are all cadent. Cadency is hard to reach, hard to get. Cadency postpones. Mercury, Lord of the Hour (proceedings), and Mars, Lord of the 7th (the buyer) are unaspected and in dialogue with none. However, if the querent holds her nerve and looks past the conjunction of Venus, her significator, with Jupiter, to the point were Venus enters Gemini, here Venus will enter mutual reception with Mercury and then business can be reassumed in a more readily manner. So, my advice to the querent was not to despair if the initial response and offering was not according to her early expectations, but wait and hold back until matters had turned a corner and then look to sell upon this second occasion. Neither do I believe this should to be too far into the future, because the angles of the chart are cardinal, but which would also indicate taking a fresh step.
The End.

Honorary Member of Romanian Astrologers Association,
Special Guest Editor
Website: www.astronor.com
Facebook: Astrolog Andrew Bevan / Astrologi123
Ålesund, Norway
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