
Astrele Magazine

(Note for the reader: “Astrele” in Romanian = The Stars, the Heavenly Bodies)

Astrele Magazine was founded in March, 2002 by 6 brave and talented astrologers, this being the project that later led to the founding of the Romanian Astrologers Association. It is a digital publication, written in romanian, registered at the Romanian National Library under the code ISSN 1224 – 6522.

Astrele’s mission is to correctly inform those who practice, study or simply sympathize astrology, on its concepts, theories, researches, techniques and original contributions existing in this field of knowledge, presenting its practical use in a responsible and constructive manner.

The magazine’s goals are:

  • Correctly informing the reader
  • Guiding the reader in the direction of constructive and responsible astrology practices, in conformity with the astrologer’s Ethical Code
  • Sustaining and promoting the values, members and activities of the Romanian Astrologers Association
  • Enabling a discussion, research and collaboration platform between astrologers, but also between them and specialists of related fields

The magazine is free of charge and it’s being published on a monthly basis, around the 23rd of the Month (near the Solar ingression). Usually, 2 months per year, the editorial office is on vacation, thus the magazine sums up 10 editions per year.

Founders & Senior editors: Mihaela Dicu, Firicel Ciarnău, AdiM, Fulop Laszlo, Radu Moisoiu, Val Dragu.
Chief editor: Diana Spinean
Editors: Ioana Ispas, Minola Bratoveanu, Ancuța Catrinoiu, Dan Ciubotaru, Sorin Bratoveanu, Teodora Muth, Valeria Grădinaru, Malvina Ivanciu.


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