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13-15 noiembrie 2021: Congresul European de Astrologie, ediția a III-a

Avem plăcerea de a vă anunța că în perioada 13-15 noiembrie va avea loc CONGRESUL EUROPEAN DE ASTROLOGIE, la care Mihaela Dicu, președinta de onoare a AAR, a fost invitată să conferențieze, reprezentând astfel România.

Congresul se desfășoară online, pe Zoom, și poate participa oricine. Costul de participare este modic: 30 Euro pentru toate cele 3 zile. Linkul de înregistrare este aici:

Limba oficială a congresului este limba engleză. Mihaela Dicu va conferenția în română, cu translator. La congres mai participă alți doi astrologi străini cunoscuți publicului român prin prezența lor la Congresele AAR: Lucia Bellizia, din Italia, și Öner Döşer, din Turcia, amândoi membri de onoare ai AAR.

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CO-ORGANIZER AND HOST – School of Ancient Astrology – Apotelesma, Genoa, Italy –
CO-ORGANIZER: Bulgarian Astrological School –
⭐TYPE OF CONFERENCE: Internet conference via the software Zoom.
Please install Zoom from here:
‼REGISTRATION NOTICE: Once payment for the conference is made via card or PayPal, all registrants will receive an email with the conference link on 11.11.2021. Please keep an eye on your inbox and spam directory!
🎯The aim of the Third Pan-European Conference is to create a suitable environment for teaching and presenting the ancient methods of Astrology in modern conditions.
📝Motto: European astrological schools and traditions work together for the future of stellar science, studying and presenting the basics of ancient and classical astrology.
Organizers: The Italian School of Ancient Astrology and the Bulgarian Astrological Schools – Lucia Bellizia and Filip Filipov.
The conference is suitable for non-specialists and beginners in the field of astrology. The official languages of the conference are English and Italian.
Astrological schools from the following European countries participate: Italy, Bulgaria, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, England, France, Greece, Romania, Germany.
Information about the lectures is available after the official program.

⭐Official conference program in ❗Central European Time❗:

8:00, Opening of the conference in Zoom software – waiting for all conference participants to enter
9:00, Introductory words by the organizers, Filip Filipov, Bulgarian Astrological School
9:15, Opening words by the organizers, Lucia Bellizia, School of Ancient Astrology – Apotélesma, Italy.
9:30, „The Bull of Heaven Description”, lecturer – Dieter Koch, Swiss School of Astrology
11:00, Questions
11:15, „The Divine Phases of Venus in Ancient and Modern Astrological Observational Practice”, lecturer – Filip Filipov, Bulgarian Astrological School
12:45, Questions
🍝13:00, Lunch break – 30 minutes for lunch break without interruption of the broadcast
13:30, „In Search of Lost Meaning – Dodecatemoria”, lecturer – Mihaela Dicu, Romanian Astrological School
14:45, Questions
15:00, „Astrology and Metaphysics. Gods, Myths and Heroes in the Astrological Chart. Archetypal Analysis”, lecturer – Rumen Kolev, Bulgarian Astrological School
16:30, Questions
16:45, „From Manilius to Modernity: a Study of the Evolution of the Meanings of the Astrological Houses”, lecturer – Philip Graves, English School of Astrology
18:00, Questions

10:00, „Death on a bicycle”, lecturer – Danièle Jay, French Astrological School
11:20, Questions
11:30, „The Afflictions of the Innocent”, lecturer – Giancarlo Ufficiale, Almugea – Italian School of Astrology
12:50, Questions
🍝13:00, Lunch break – 30 minutes for a lunch break without interruption of the broadcast
13:30, „The sad fate of Edward VI Tudor, King of England”, lecturer – Lucia Bellizia, School of Ancient Astrology – Apotélesma, Italy
14:50, Questions
15:00, „Some specific features in the calculation and interpretation of solar return technique in the Persian-Arab tradition”, lecturer – Dimitar Kozhuharov, Bulgarian Astrological School
16:15, Questions
16:30, „Gregoras preoccupation on the unusually many eclipses crossing Constantinople in his days”, lecturer – Thomas Gazis, Greek Astrological School
17:45, Questions
18:00, „Presentation of the Seminars for beginners and advanced students in the field of Higher Astrology and its Esoteric Foundations in English and Bulgarian and the Three-Dimensional Astrological Interpretation and Prediction Software –”, lecturer – Filip Filipov, Bulgarian Astrological School

10:00, „Determining Spirituality in Traditional Astrology”, lecturer – Öner Döşer, Turkish Astrological School
11:15, Questions
11:30, „The New Moon as a pointer of fate”, lecturer – Brigitte Strobele, Austrian School of Astrology
12:45, Questions
🍝13:00, Lunch break – 30 minutes for a lunch break without interruption of the broadcast
13:30, „Ancient forecasting techniques put to the test”, lecturer – Wolfgang Tomsits, Austrian School of Astrology
14:45, Questions
15:00, „Latitude in Traditional Astrology”, lecturer – Tanya Daniels, German Astrological School
16:15, Questions
16:30, „The Astrological Computer Program Placidus – a Key for the Ancient Astrology and the Babylonian Astrology – Heliacal Phases, Three-dimensional Astrology and Primary Directions”, lecturer – Rumen Kolev, Bulgarian Astrological School
17:00, Questions
17:15, Closing of the Conference and Announcement of the Fourth European Conference on Astrology – Live or via the software Zoom in Istanbul, Turkey, in November 2022 hosted by Öner Döşer

Lecturers participating with lectures:
👩‍🏫Lucia Bellizia is founder and member of the cultural association Apotélesma. She has a degree in Classical Literature, Philology and History of Antiquity, thus deepening her knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin. She has participated in various international and national conferences and has been a frequent guest lecturer at various institutions. She has written for journals devoted to Astrology (Ricerca ’90) as well as for academic journals (Bruniana & Campanelliana). She is the author of the translation and commentary of „Phases or Phenomena of the Fixed Stars” by Claudius Ptolemy, published by InSedicesimo, 2017. Lucia Bellicia has organized basic and advanced courses on the fundamental principles of Ancient astrology, as well as on various forecasting techniques.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „The sad fate of Edward VI Tudor, King of England”
📍Topic: In 1552 Gerolamo Cardano, a multifaceted man of culture of the sixteenth century, physician and astrologer, met the young Edward VI in London, who would soon die, it is said, of tuberculosis and described it’s genitura in the Liber XII geniturarum. The rapporteur presents the translation and the commentary, underlining Cardano’s fidelity to Ptolemaic doctrines.

👨‍🏫Giancarlo Ufficiale is listed in the CIDA (Italian Astrology Federation) professional register since its creation in 1989; founding member of Cielo e Terra, Apotelesma, Almugea; CIDA certified teacher at the Almugea School of Classical Astrology, in the history of Astrology, geocentric astronomy and astrological techniques. Author of the books „Star People”, „Sphere vol. I”, „Sphere vol. II” and „Con – Sider – Azioni”.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „The afflictions of the innocent”
📍Topic: Unfortunately, many classical astrologers believe that the body of doctrine is complete and does not need further progress, more timely techniques, as well as updated to the times in which we live. This is not so. Through the study of the proposed geniture, I believe that integrating the system of investigation developed by Claudius Ptolemy on the Qualities of the Soul with some principles of psychoanalysis, it is possible to understand the root causes of a serious intestinal disease suffered by the subject.

👩‍🏫Danièle Jay explores Astrology with a passion, especially regarding the Directions. Meeting Giuseppe Bezza was essential to his career. She subsequently organized a number of seminars with Giuseppe Bezza in Paris and in Riparbella. Today she strives to pass on her unique teaching through articles, conferences, seminars and books. Recent publications include: “Heaven in Motion”, Editions Sep-Hermès, Paris, 2006, 2010 and “Astrology of the Event”, Editions Dervy Paris, 2018.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „Death on a bicycle”
📍Topic: This is the biography of Ernest Chausson, music composer, who died suddenly, at the age of 44, on his bicycle on a beautiful spring afternoon. Analysis of the natal chart. Could isolated and powerful Saturn in the first house be responsible for this disastrous fate? Two directions were about to strike. The Descendant of the solar revolution established for the place of birth takes up the Saturn of the nativity, while the profected AS which covers the whole of Capricorn gives Saturn as its ruler; finally, to conclude everything, transiting Saturn passes over the cusp of the natal 8th house.

👨‍🏫Philip Graves has been studying astrology and its history since 1995. Between 2002 and 2004, he wrote numerous introductory articles on the principles and techniques of astrology for a large astrological community on the MSN Groups network, which he helped run for five years. He founded and continues to develop a substantial library of international literature on astrology, which now includes over 8,000 books and 12,000 periodicals. To date, he has authored 20 self-published lectures and articles on topics in the history of astrology that have appeared in The Astrological Journal, Infinity Astrological Magazine, The Career Astrologer, and The Mountain Astrologer since 2016.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „From Manilius to Modernity: a Study of the Evolution of the Meanings of the Astrological Houses”
📍Topic: This talk will distil a recent study of the evolution of the meanings accorded by selected important historical astrologers to the twelve astrological houses or places from the first century C.E. to the beginning of the 20th, starting with the readings of Marcus Manilius and ending with those of Alan Leo. It will comment on the tension between tradition and originality in successive generations of astrological textbooks, and seek to identify the most important changes and when they took root. Detailed examples of the change of meanings in a selection of the twelve houses will be provided. The purpose of the study is not to look at the technical changes in preferred astronomical methods for calculating the positions of the cusps of the houses, a major topic in its own right that has already been exhaustively treated by scholars such as J. D. North. It will be limited to the changing astrological interpretations of the houses, however they may have been astronomically defined.

👩‍🏫Tanya Daniels has been studying astrology since 1998, the impetus for which came from reading Leonardo da Vinci’s astrological analysis of The Last Supper. In 2002 she completed her training in psychological astrology at the Berlin School of the German Astrology Association DAV. In 2009 she was introduced to traditional astrology. She holds an STA Horary Diploma, has studied Robert Zoller’s course in Medieval Astrology and in early 2017 obtained a certificate in Hellenistic Astrology from Chris Brennan. Tanya has published articles in, Astrological Journal, Meridian Fachzeitschrift für Astrologie, Linguaggio Astrale, ISAR, The Ascendant and Infinity.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „Latitude in traditional astrology”
📍Topic: Hellenistic and later Persian authors like Dorotheus and Abu Ma’shar stressed the importance of celestial latitude in the assement of strength of a planet. It was used in mundane astrology in particular in the deliniation of great conjunctions, but also in physiognomy, medicine, gardening, elections and horary. Latitude strongly influences the power of aspects. We will look at the planetary movement from the ascending to the descending node and in what differs a southern from a northern planet.

👨‍🏫Thomas Gazis is an astrologer, writer and international speaker. He was born in Piraeus, Greece. He became a member of CIDA and participated in many seminars and congresses in Italy, while attending some major astrological conferences in Switzerland. He became a regular contributor to Greek and international astrology journals. He is the author of three books entitled „Synastry, the Astrology of Human Relations”, „Astrology of the New Third Millennium” and „Byzantine Astrology” (in progress) and has published articles in the journals Linguaggio Astrale, American Astrology, Horoscope Guide, The Astrological Journal and ISAR International Astrologer”. He organized Astromikonos 2000, an international astrology conference on Mykonos Island, which featured Robert Hand among other international speakers.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „Gregoras preoccupation on the unusually many eclipses crossing Constantinople in his days”
📍Topic: Although you will rarely see his name registered in any history of astrology book, the Byzantine scholar and politician Nicephorus Gregoras has been one of the best astronomers and astrologers in the world, during the early rennaissance period! Gregoras was preoccupied with the unusually large number of eclipses crossing the capital of Byzantium Constantinople in his life time! In this talk we will re-examine those eclipses trying to understand whether or not Gregoras worries were justified.

👩‍🏫Mihaela Dicu is a professional astrologer who lives in Craiova, Romania. She is a lecturer, consultant, author and translator of books on Astrology. Mihaela currently focuses mainly on research and teaching. She has a special interest in the philosophy and practice of Hellenistic astrology. Annually she conducts several courses and seminars on specialized astrological topics. She is the author of „The Zodiac. A Book on the Astral Signs”, „First Steps to the Horoscope”, „The Planets and Asteroids in the Signs”, „Horary Astrology” and „Astrology of Relationships”. Since 2006 she has been the organizer, in collaboration with AAR, of AstroFestival, a summer symposium on astrology in Craiova, Romania.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „In search of lost meaning – Dodecatemoria”
📍Topic: Dodecatemoria, or twelfth-parts, are subdivisions of 2.5 degrees, which divide each sign of the zodiac into 12 equal parts. Twelve subdivisions of 2.5 degrees are thus assigned to any given sign. The first dodecatemorion belongs to the respective sign and the following ones respect the zodiacal order. The concept of dodecatemoria is one of the oldest astrological concepts. As the twelve-sign zodiac itself, dodecatemoria are of Babylonian origin, being mentioned in the cuneiform writings since the 5th century BC. Unfortunately, the information on dodecatemoria is quite abstruse, scattered and incomplete. It is difficult to fully reconstruct the way our ancestors used dodecatemoria. However, when put together, those fragments of information that we do have are revealing a fascinating perspective on the usefulness of this technique in the study of astrological charts.

👨‍🏫Dieter Koch is an expert in ancient languages (Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Akkadian, Sumerian) with a special emphasis on astral mythology and archaeoastronomy. He works as a software developer at and programs Swiss Ephemeris, the core of many astrological software programs. His work on the Sumerian, Akkadian and Indian foundations of Astrology is of key importance.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „The Bull of Heaven Description”
📍Topic: We shall study Gilgamesh’s fight with the Bull of Heaven in its two extant versions (Akkadian and Sumerian), discover its astronomical, agricultural, state-theoretical, and religious background, get some insight into the history of bull fight, and ask the question what it has to do with the astrological sign of Taurus and its ruler Venus.

👨‍🏫Filip Filipov is an astrologer, physicist with a Master’s Degree in Philosophy of Mind, who became known for his accurate global predictions of many world events made on national television. He created innovative software for Three-Dimensional Astrology in 1996, developed the physical basis of Astrology based on the fractal vision of the Universe, and organized the Pan-European Conferences with his colleagues from European astrological traditions. The new version of his software for horoscope interpretation in English and Bulgarian, three-dimensional visualization of horoscope and forecasting is available online at: He currently hosts Astrological Seminars online (see every Saturday on the ideas of Higher Astrology and its Esoteric Foundations. The seminar is presented in Bulgarian and professional simultaneous translation into English.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „The Divine Phases of Venus in Ancient and Modern Astrological Observational Practice”
📍Topic: The lecture will examine Mesopotamian and Ancient testimonies of the special heliacal phases of Venus, and at the same time will report observations of the Divine phases of Venus in modern conditions. Resources for monitoring and interpreting these phases will also be provided, as well as information for a two-day seminar on the 72 phases of Venus.
📍Second title: “Presentation of the Seminars for beginners and advanced students in the field of Higher Astrology and its Esoteric Foundations in English and Bulgarian and the Three-Dimensional Astrological Interpretation and Prediction Software –”

👨‍🏫Rumen Kolev is a world-renowned astrologer who has translated and published unpublished astrological books, worked on the translation of the oldest book on astrology, the Sumerian Astrolabe, and developed the unique Placidus software for ancient astrology, primordial directives and three-dimensional horoscopes.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „Astrology and Metaphysics. Gods, Myths and Heroes in the Astrological Chart. Archetypal Analysis”
📍Topic: Astrology in the Golden Age is an all-encompassing Philosophy, Science, Religion, Art and Mysticism. The Principles of the Cosmos are called ‘Gods’ and their Interaction – Myths. The Heroes are those among the humans who earn a place in Olympus – the World of the Attributes of God. How to see which Gods and myths are present in an astrological chart. Example: Astrological and Metaphysical Symbolism in ‘The School of Athens’ by Raffaello Sanzio. His Chart and Life.
📍Second title: The Astrological Computer Program Placidus – a Key for the Ancient Astrology and the Babylonian Astrology – Heliacal Phases, Three-dimensional Astrology and Primary Directions.

👨‍🏫Dimitar Kozhuharov is an astrologer who does research in the field of traditional astrology and its predictive techniques. He specializes in the study of Persian astrology, the predictive techniques of ancient authors and the question of the Zodiac used in Ancient Astrology.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „Some specific features in the calculation and interpretation of solar return technique in the Persian-Arab tradition”
📍Topic: The lecture will outline what kind of Solar the Persian-Arab astrologers used, sidereal or tropical, as well as what prognostic methods they used in combination with the Solar. The Solar chart of a person deceased from a covid will be shown and interpreted according to the methodology of Perso-Arab astrologers. At the end of the lecture, the currently available books in different languages (English, Italian and French) that deal with the traditional technique of Solar interpretation will be presented.

👨‍🏫Öner Döşer is the founder of the AstroArt School of Astrology, with more than 1300 students to date, the School of Astrology Publishing House, which has published 30 books, and Astrology TV on the Internet. He is an astrology consultant, author and educator with over 50,000 social media followers, leading the Ottoman Age Astrological Texts Research and Introduction Project under the AstroArt School of Astrology roof.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „Determining Spirituality in Traditional Astrology”
📍Topic: The astronomers who lived in Ancient times, Medieval Age and the Renaissance, were also traditional astrologers. Most of the professors of mathematics were also astrologers; they were the ones who discovered algebra, geometry, trigonometry and higher mathematics. They devoted themselves to this “Divine Science” and considered that astrology was a kind of “art”. They were not only astrologers; some of them were poets, philosophers, mathematicians, professors, astronomers, doctors of medicine, lawyers or clergymen who used scientific methods in their studies. It is a fact that their studies still have an important place in today’s scientific approaches and techniques! In this talk Oner Doser will introduce you the rules and techniques used by ancient astrologers while determining some important significators in natal charts including spirituality.

👨‍🏫Wolfgang Tomsits is an eminent Viennese astrologer with special knowledge of ancient and classical astrology. He is known for being able to predict important events on the face of the Earth with the methods of Astrocartography with extreme precision.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „Ancient forecasting techniques put to the test”
📍Topic: In the lecture various predictive techniques in Astrology will be explained and put to the test. This is essential for the development of Astrology in scientific terms due to the fact that in this way the objective processes that realize Astrological phenomena as real events can be shown. In this lecture on few practical examples of quarter horoscopes, solars and lunars, the questions, how one recognizes in time earthquakes, wars or their outcome, or possibly other events, is examined. The shown results of the research are the essence of many previous studies and investigations of such events with the corresponding horoscopes in this manner.

👩‍🏫Brigitte Strobele is the president of Europe’s oldest astrological organization, which operates in Vienna, Austria. She has been working for decades to preserve Astrology in its classical form and to transmit it in an adequate form to the new generation through constant lectures, seminars and systematic publishing.
📌Title of the conference lecture: „The new moon as a pointer of fate”
📍Topic: The lecture will look at various cases of New Moons that indicate important events in human life. The lunar cycle, with its main phases, has a determining significance for human destiny, especially when the New Moon affects important elements of the horoscope.

The event organizers reserve the right to change the conference program or add important details.
Participate in this World Astrological Event to experience the sources of Ancient Astrology and the Higher Modern Astrology of the most important Astrological Schools in Europe.

Speram din suflet ca astrologii români să participe în număr cât mai mare!


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