Andrew BevanEnglish

The Faces in the charts of comedians

Because Faces are so entertaining, funny and full off display, I selected the charts of 5 renowned comedians just to show how these basic principles play out in their nativities. Now, this study is in no way fully investigated in any means, I just want to give examples that could show in various ways the Faces could be accentuated and in manners we imagine.1

Charlie Chaplin

Born: 16. April 1889, time 20.00 hrs, London, England. 51N25, 00W12
Asc: 8SC35 MC: 22LE35 Sun:27AR00 Moon: 9SC23.

The Moon at 9SC32 is rising in the sign and face of Mars, while Mars in 13TA34 is in the exaltation and face of the Moon. So, there is a mixed reception on several levels, but particularly the combination of face and exaltation pushes things up front with an element of cheekiness. Additionally, Jupiter, who holds dignities on the Midheaven by both triplicity and term – is in the sign of his fall, yet still holds his face in 8CP10.

Jerry Seinfeld

Born: 29. April 1954, time 06.00 hrs, Brooklyn, New York, USA. 40N38, 73W56.
Asc: 7TA40 MC: 21CP10 Sun: 8TA33 Moon: 20PI04.

It’s the exchange of dignities that is interesting here. The Sun is on the Ascendant in the term of Mercury, whilst Mercury is in Aries and in the exaltation of the Sun. This combination would give the tendency to exaggeration and to push things a bit, but would also be good for sales in a commercial and competitive fashion. The Moon casts a nice sextile to the MC, by the way.

Eddie Murphy

Born: 3. April 1961, time 13.30 hrs, New York, USA. 40N43, 74W00
Asc: 16LE56 MC: 7TA42 Sun: 13AR46 Moon: 14SC15.

Uranus is in Leo in the 1st house of this hilarious comedian. But the Sun is Lord of the Ascendant and located in both the sign of his exaltation and in his own face at 13AR46. Venus is in Aries, too, in her own face at 25AR10. She is Lady of the 10th house!

Jim Carrey

Born: 17. January 1962, time 02.30 hrs, Newmarket, Canada. 43N03, 05W00.
Asc: 15SC12 MC: 27LE04 Sun: 26CP43 Moon: 17GE12.

Mars is Lord of the Ascendant in Jim Carrey’s chart, and his is located 17CP55, which is both in the sign of his exaltation and in his own face, too. But the Sun, Lord of the Midheaven, is in Capricorn, too, at 26CP45. This puts him in his own face.

The charts of Eddie Murphy and Jim Carrey show an interesting similarity in this fashion. Carrey also has Mercury in his own triplicity and face at 14AQ44. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter and square the Ascendant.

Michael McIntyre

Born: 21. February 1976, time 17.34 hrs, Merton, London, England. 51N25, 0W12.
Asc: 4VI48 MC: 26TA29 Sun: 2PI13 Moon: 24SC33

Michael has an angular Moon in Scorpio like Chaplin, but his Virgo Ascendant is disposed by both sign, exaltation and term by Mercury, who is joined to Venus, Lady of the Midheaven, in Aquarius. Mercury is in his own triplicity and term at 6AQ29, but here it is Venus who is located 2AQ30 and holds the credits of FACE.

Honorary Member of Romanian Astrologers Association,
Special Guest Editor

Facebook: Astrolog Andrew Bevan / Astrologi123
Ålesund, Norway

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  1. Andrew wrote for Astrele Magazine a series of articles on the topic of essential dignities:

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