Andrew BevanEnglish

„Is my Husband up to Mischief?”


A woman, probably in her 50’s, called me because her husband had been to a company party but, after he had come home, he later told his wife how several of his colleagues had been making out with one another. While the wife didn’t think too much about it at first, the topic returned and it was risen on several occasions, to the point where she began to wonder whether something had  occurred and her husband had got up to something wrong. So, her question was „Can I trust my Husband, or is he up to some Mischief?”

The question was asked on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at  09:21 CEST. The chart is cast for my location, which is the place of the artist, Alesund, Norway, 68N28, 6E09.

It is the Day of Mars and the Hour of Mercury, which is easily identified because the Sun is in the 1st half of the 11th house, which measures up the 4th hour on the Day of Mars. The Ascendant is in the sign of Leo. The chart is radical because the Lord of the Hour, Mercury, and the Lord of the Ascendant, the Sun, are found in the same sign, Gemini. Notice also how the Lord of the Ascendant, Sol, casts his aspect to the Ascendant, strengthening the validity of the chart. However, there is a disagreement between the Lord of the Day and the Lord of the Hour on the basis of their natural powers and where they are accounted as enemies; hence, the controversy in the matter concerned.

The 1st house and its Lord is ever for the querent, where Leo is on the cusp of the Ascendant and the Sun is located in the 11th house in Gemini. Here, the Sun is joined to Venus, who is cazimi and in the Heart of the Sun, which initially would be an indication of her Marriage, but also that it should be strong and protected.

The Moon is the co-significator in every chart. Here, she is Lady of the 12th house of secret enemies, hidden and unforeseen circumstances. The Moon is elevated in the chart and in the middle of the fixed sign, Taurus. Taurus is the sign of her exaltation, hence, matters may have appeared quite rampant and got out of hand in an unrestrained way. Yet the Moon is in the middle of a fixed sign which combats change and will hold things in their place. So, for all practical purposes, there is no indication of anything that should topple her marriage.

The 7th house, which has Aquarius on the cusp, and its traditional ruler, Saturn, is for the quesitive, who is the husband of the querent. The 11th house, which is the 5th house from the 7th, is for his spare time activities, recreations, sweethearts and lovers. Now there are plenty of planets relating to the 11th; with the Sun and Venus therein, and Mercury joined to Jupiter on the cusp, all in double-bodied signs. But Saturn, the husbands significator, is not in the 11th, nor joined to the Lord of the 11th. Sun and Venus in the 11th do apply to the square of Saturn, but by dexter aspect and through signs of short ascension, which by effect is more constructive and in a regulating way. The dexter aspect, where the applying planet casts its aspect backwards and against the flow of the Zodiac, is more deliberate, forceful, premeditated and structured in its actions; intentional and with a clear strategy; while the sinister aspect would have been more coincidental, speculative, chancing and inventive; spontaneous, artistic and unruly; hence taking matters into fresh and unknown grounds.

Saturn, the significator of the husband, disposes Gemini, the sign of the cusp of the 11th, by triplicity. But, by this, he may relate to his friends and his network, yet nothing of which he himself is a participant or partaker of. For the lord and dispositor by triplicity is more like a coordinator, a friend, an associate or an observer, yet not the main figure who has ownership within the central scene.

Saturn, significator of the husband, is in Pisces in the 9th house, which is the 3rd house from the 7th, and the house of communications and of the need to talk. But, first, Saturn collects no essential dignities of his own in the place he holds, which means he is weak and on an unsure footing. Also, Pisces is a mute sign and not good at communications at all. Saturn will often over-compensate in situations of emotional insecurity, as I felt was the case in this instance, and the husband may really have wanted to discuss some paradoxes, but where all options seemed wrong and he was in fear of putting himself in a difficult situation. Because Saturn in Pisces may be the victim of unintended circumstances and experience either the sense of drowning, getting entangled into a complicated web or, at the same time, being torn apart by separate worlds.

The fixed star Vindemiatrix at 10°16′ Libra is on the IC of this chart, which is the 10th house from the 7th, thus indicating the official standing in the world of the husband. Vindemiatrix is not only the star of Widowhood, but it may indicate ‘worlds in collision’, or relationships that don’t balance and have tragic consequences. The South Node in Libra in the 4th additionally signifies turbulence, foolhardiness, passion and desire; as in a blind and headless situation. So I judge the husband was confronted with an uncalled-for situation, putting him in a difficult position. Yet, I do not think he sought, initiated or participated in any act of infidelity, but that events that occurred may have challenged his integrity and all options seemed wrong there.

My advice to the querent was that, if the topic arose again, she may suggest they put a lid on it, saying it was alright as long as he hadn’t done anything silly. Or she may realize there was something he actually wanted and needed to talk about, considering the paradoxes involved.  Most likely, he did not understand the abandoning of rules demonstrated by people elsewise recognised in a different context and whose behaviour contradicted their social status and responsibilities elsewhere in the world (i.e. Saturn in Pisces). So, the topic was both difficult and messy, involving matters of  confidentiality, ethics and relationships elsewise, and in this way the issue was taking the querent’s husband off his mark (i.e. undignified) and had landed him on uncertain grounds.

The End.

Honorary Member of Romanian Astrologers Association,
Special Guest Editor

Website: www.bevan.no / www.astronor.com
Facebook: Astrolog Andrew Bevan / Astrologi123
Vegsundhaugen 28, 6020 Ålesund, Norway

Articolul tradus în limba română: https://www.astrele.ro/2024/06/21/sotul-suspect/


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