Andrew BevanEnglish

Upon the Question of Radicality

Andrew Bevan, Astro-Festival Craiova, May 28, 2023


First, thank you to the AAR for the opportunity to speak about the Planetary Hours and Question of Radicality at the Astro-Festival in Craiova, 26-28 May 2023. Secondly, my gratitude and congratulations to the arranger and host, Mihaela Dicu, for such a successful event, both so smooth-running and rich on both topics and speakers. Thank you sincerely for the Associations pin medal in Silver Astrele, the 20th anniversary that was most kindly and generously presented me by Diana Spinean, editor-in-chief of Astrele magazine. To the speakers for their stellar performances. And lastly, thanks also to my translator, Florentina Constantin, who I believe did an excellent job!

For me personally, this was the first opportunity in either speaking or writing, to present the material I brought along with me. So in this perspective the Astro-Festival in Craiova was World Premier on my part. In the same instance I am grateful for this special occasion, because by sharing with the AAR, I am provided with the opportunity to pass on that what I have learnt, and whatever I have got ends up in the right hands – both for your benefit and the safe keeping.

In retrospect, after the conference, I reflected upon how everything had planned out regarding the material covered and things we could have spent more time on. Due to some of my most recent realizations, which in fact occurred whilst preparing for the workshop, it is possible we got caught up and spent more time on the ‘Table of Planetary Hours’ than I originally intended. Material here showed how the planetary hours, planetary exaltations, planetary faces and rulers of the triplicities (by day and night) all were closely related through the same astrological order, table and source. Excited as I were, these latest insights captured me entirely, leading me slightly off track in terms of the original title and designation of the workshop. However, I am grateful the audience allowed me time and latitude to talk about these discoveries and also anything else astrological during our session together. I hope it was worth while.

Fortunately, the conference arrangers had helped prepare hand-out material regarding my approach to interpreting Radical/Non-radical charts.

Thus, the main object of the workshop was to explore the Question of Radicality; whether a chart was radical or not, and how this relates to the use of Planetary Hours and their Lords. With this is meant, it was the first consideration before judgement according to William Lilly, who by certain was referring to the work of the Italian mathematician and astrologer Guido Bonatti of the 13th Century. Again, it appears that astrologers of antiquity were carefully observing the relationship between the Lord of the Hour and the rational Ascendant and its Lord, to decide whether a moment was correctly balanced; the celestial instrument being correctly tuned and in harmony, or nay. In Horary astrology the technique was used to form an opinion on whether question was correctly framed and founded, and for the correct reasons. By applying this rule, the astrologer could more correctly decide whether a chart was suitable for judgement and on safe grounds; in this way avoiding the displeasure and wrath of the client; hence trying to save his own skin and reputation; or rather – just staying out of trouble.

It’s possible this technique of antiquity was not fully developed, or that it was fully developed but then forgotten. Either way, what I have come to realize through practising the technique for a period of over 30 years, is that there were several ways in which a chart, or rather the celestial instrument, could be tuned – and that these various contracts or ‘chords’ offered an essential clue to the core meaning and outfall of the chart. And this is what this ‘new’ approach to the subject is all about!

While the issue of Radicality and use of Planetary Hours has merit and is applicable to both horary and electional astrology, it is obvious that the technique traditionally has had a strong play within matters of ritual conduct, i.e. healing, prayer, blessing or magic. I think the same techniques and meanings may be taken and adopted within the natal chart. Yet, the Planetary Hours are not ‘astronomical’ or scientific, or bound in nature in the same sense as the planets, signs or tropical zodiac. Yet their meanings are more based upon our cultural habits and civil routines; or upon social science, as it were. What I mean here is that while astrology essentially and in fact lies at the foundation of our civilisation, how do we know that Monday is in fact Monday, or that Sunday is Sunday? The point here being that it is not important, but as soon as this point was decide, all our civil routines have rotated according to this plan and order since. The rotation of civil affairs, offices and order is described according to the table of Planetary days and Planetary hours. And so be it with the rest. Planetary hours do not ‘predict’ mundane events, like earthquakes or the effects of nature; yet they could still be relevant in describing how such occurrences enter our affairs.

Please accept the following examples:

1. A Ship at Sea – whether lost?

This first example is found in Christian Astrology by William Lilly. The question is asked on the Day of Saturn and in the Hour of Venus. Cancer is on the Ascendant. The chart is found radical in several (two) ways, which generally fortifies the chart. First, Venus has the same powers as the sign on the Ascendant, Cancer, both of them being moist and cold. This adds to the powers and resources of the ascendant, but Venus does not take control of the ascendant in this fashion. So initially our judgement would be called on the state of the Moon. However, Venus and Moon are also friends, because they share the same nature (viz. cold and moist) – so here Venus is welcomed by the Moon to take command of the radical ascendant, and judgement may be passed on the nature of Venus. Always judge be the strongest or most favourable condition. The influence of Venus is generally protective and good news. However, the Moon is in a good state, too, being in her exaltation in Taurus and in the 11th house with Jupiter. Venus is in the cadent 6th house in Sagittarius with Neptune, where cadency indicates delays, Sagittarius is long journeys, and Neptune, which at the time was not discovered, still indicates the sea and maritime vessels. Lastly, just note that there is a mutual reception between Jupiter and Venus, so the protective testimonies were several. The vessel was safe.

2. Whether a Woman should be reunited to her Lover?

This question is asked on the Day of Jupiter and in the Hour of the Moon. Leo is rising, and there is no relationship between the Lady of the Hour and the Ascendant or its Lord, the Sun. So the chart is not radical and we have a case of something NOT working properly. In short, the woman taking back her lover is a poor idea. The Moon is Lady of the 12th house, which represent either the past, secret enemies, or is the house of self-undoing. Mars is in the 12th, so we know there is trouble. The Moon who is Lady of the Hour gives us a hint of where to look and what to do; here we find her in the 4th house – so the matter should be buried, ended and closed. Scorpio is on the cusp of the 5th (lovers), indicating something corrupt (the lover) or which follows a crooked line. Sagittarius intercepted in the 5th represents a surprise or a secret. Sagittarius wants to be liberal and free. Jupiter is also hiding under the Sun’s Beams and not being truthful, so this is the problem. Neptune in the South will struggle borderlines, commitments and rules. So should she reunite? No.

3. Whether a Catering venture will be a Success?

Here the question is asked on the Day of the Moon (Good for foods and public services) and in the Hour of Mars (kitchens). The Ascendant is in Cancer. The chart is radical by triplicity, and triplicities are resourceful and share things around. Mars, Lord of the Hour is in Cancer, where he both is in his fall and triplicity; he is also in the 12th house. Where a planet is in its Fall, there is always an elephant in the room, a camel to be swallowed or a problem. Neither is the mixture of Mars and Moon entirely good, or Mars and the Ascendant – so there is an issue or infection to be taken into consideration. The project has been struggling with finances in the past and is threatened with bankruptcy. But there is also an ex-husband in the picture creating a considerable hassle. However, radicality by triplicity is good for finances and funding (triplicities always send around the hat). The Moon, Lady of the Ascendant, applies to the trine of Chiron, Sun and Jupiter, where the Sun is the Lord of the 2nd house (money) and Jupiter is dispositor of the Moon; all these planets are in the 11th house of solutions, so the business is on good way out of the ditch and finances are progressing with leaps and bounds. Soon they are in the clear, and the company has attained a sound position in the market.

4. Was the Meeting a Success?

This is more like a mundane happening where catastrophe struck. The event occurred on the Day of Jupiter and in the Hour of the Moon. The Ascendant is in Virgo. The chart is not radical on these terms, which in itself is an indication of a ‘poor line of communication’ with issues that hardly work and people not understanding one another. We could have found the chart radical on basis of the Moon, Lady of the Hour, casting her sextile to the Ascendant – but where an aspects forms the grounds for radicality or chart relevance, the nature of the aspect always has to be compromised. Here the sextile is cast through signs of long ascension, which has the tendency, unless cautioned, to convert and work out like a square. The rule with such sextiles is that people always set out with great boldness, but always end up learning things the hard way if they do not follow the instructions or users manual. So the aspect doesn’t help. There is also the disagreement between the Lady of the Hour, the Moon, and the Lord of the Ascendant, Mercury, to be considered – because Mercury always corrupts the Moon and will be the cause of conflict and stir.

I could offer dozens of example charts, and several are likely to appear here in the future. But as one of the participants at the Astro Festival kindly suggested, it is probably about high time I sat down and assembled a book. Just remember when working with the technique, there are no absolute rules. The main gift of this ‘new’ approach to radicality, or chart tuning, is to better get the drift of things; to better understand the state of your querent, what is going on and hence the flow of the chart. This will greatly improve your abilities as an astrologer.

Not Radical

While one may feel tempted to put aside the non-radical chart; particularly where you can see that people are meddling into the affairs of others and that are none of their business; or you see a situation that will lead to discontent or the unhappiness of the querent; there are still situations where you may make good use of the information provided by such a chart. As in one of the above example charts provided, it is a poor time to enter into a relationship. It could also be the wrong time to invest, sign a contract or start a new enterprise. But if a client calls and there is a health issue in the background, it would be a safe matter to advise the querent to take contact with his or her doctor and get the correct medical attention in due accord. Where a chart is not radical, there is a problem. Something is out of tune and there is no need to let problems grow.

In traditional astrology there are several strictures or considerations before judgement. One of these say that a chart is not safe to be judged when the ascendant either was in a late or early degree. Maybe calculations (and certainly timing) were more uncertain back in the olden days. In this way it would be more difficult to decide whether the ascendant was in one sign or the other. In my experience such charts often can be judge, but as the ascendant changes sign something moves and matters change. In this manner there is often be a change of order and all the dust is up in the air, as it were. And sometimes it is sufficient to advice the client to allow time for pieces to come back down again and wait until they have found their new and newly assigned places or locations.

Occasionally, when the Lord of the Hour is on the change, passing from one planet to the next. In my terminology this is like a change of guards or watch in front of the castle. As the watch changes, sometimes the guards get ‘caught on the bridge’ in the middle of the change, and matters can go either way. These charts I occasionally feel may be set aside. Once again, things are on the change or there is a change of order. Matters are in a shuffle, or cannot be decided, but this is slightly different to the change of the Ascendant, and sometimes as the planetary hour changes the querent should not interfere or mess with things before circumstances settle down. Other people are in play. In most cases, your astrological insight can be put to a good cause. But don’t get over-eager. Sometimes matters weigh strongly one way or the other. Other times the scales are closer to 50/50.  You are supposed to be fair within reason and sometimes saying „I don’t really know”, is a good enough answer.

Honorary Member of Romanian Astrologers Association,
Special Guest Editor

Facebook: Astrolog Andrew Bevan / Astrologi123
Ålesund, Norway


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