Decorated Psychiatrist watched his Patients by the Moon

Rolv Gjessing (26.06.1887-11.03.1959) was a Norwegian psychiatrist. As director of the Dikemark Psychiatric Hospital from 1929-1949 he was internationally recognized for his work which formed the basis for new psychiatric research. The Dikemark hospital was particularly recognized for its humane approach and qualities, which were quite unique and forward of the time. From his office in the attic of the old Dikemark administration building, he had some steps that lead up to a plateau on the roof where he used to stand and observe the Moon to see what possible influence it had on his patients. This may not have such a far-off idea, in view of the emotional shifts of his lunatic patients. In this period Gjessing also collaborated with a meteorologist.
During his childhood (1891-1899) his father was called upon to practice a missionary in East-Europe, and for a period the family lived in Galati in Romania, and then later in Budapest in Hungary, before returning home to Norway. On March 11.1916 he married telegraphist Susanne Amalie Milberg (16.8.1891–1969). Together they had four sons.
From 1932-1937 he was leader of the Norwegian psychiatric association. He was also a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science. In 1955 Gjessing received the St. Olav’s Order for his work, and in 1957, the St. Hallvard-medal.
A guided tour of the Dikemark museum is available on appointment.

Notes on chart:
Gjessing’s Sunrise nativity displays a sextile between his natal Moon in Virgo and his Sun in Cancer. Notice how the Sun squares the outer planet Uranus, and the Moon square another outer celestial body, namely Pluto. He was the son of a priest, Rangvald Gjessing and his mother Regine Louise Gjessing. Rolv’s childhood was colour by his contact with foreign worlds due to the travels of his father. Later in life Rolv was very broadminded in terms of his work and was into everything. He also wrote a paper on anthropology, describing the lap settlement in the area of Kautokeino.

With Sun in Cancer and Moon in Virgo, he was both a caring, and an emotionally and intellectually involved person. Probably very curious and questioning, particular and meritorious into the detail of his work. It is reputed that he spent more time up on his observation plateau on the roof and in the combined office/apartment directly below, than he did at home. This must have driven his wife half crazy – if nobody else.
Mercury is in the final degree of Cancer in the Sunrise chart, and in a mutual reception with the Moon. Technically, Mercury is Void of Course for the midst of the day, and in this manner not bound or restricted by the routines of the mundane and everyday world, but metaphysically exploring. However, Mercury would have moved into the sign of Leo during late afternoon. Venus is conjunct the Moons north node in the degree of power and esteem in Royal Leo. (The Sun casts its exaltation from the 19th degree of Leo to the 19th degree of Aries). Venus also casts a tight sextile from Leo to Mars in Gemini. Jupiter and Saturn also join in a square through signs of long ascension from Libra to Cancer. They are in mutual reception by exaltation.

Honorary Member of Romanian Astrologers Association,
Special Guest Editor
Facebook: Astrolog Andrew Bevan / Astrologi123
Ålesund, Norway
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