Age Point Astrology (part II)

The Dispositor and Planets in Sign
Always look at the quality and essential dignity of the ruler of the sign that the Age Point is passing through. If it is in a good state, the dispositor will provide good things of the nature of the house from within it is located. But when having made this observation then notice the aspects and dialogues it is making with the other planets. From a beginner’s perspective, note whether the dispositor of the Age Point is in its own sign, exaltation, detriment or fall. This is most important. If you are an advanced student and familiar with the terms of traditional astrology, also take note of whether the planet is in its triplicity, term or face. Any essential dignity will hold the chart up and carry it through. Remember, it is always the strongest and best optional line in a chart that works.
Next, consider the planet or planets that are in the sign of the Age Point. In one way these are more important than the sign ruler, because they relate to the highlights of the 5-year period. And the planet that is strong in such a sign will always take first priority, but the ruler of the sign still describes the background scene. Note whether these planets are fortunes or infortunes, because they always indicate something according to their nature and natural powers. Then notice whether they are the rulers of fortunate or unfortunate houses. I already mentioned that the lord of the 8th could be a challenge. The lord of the 7th is neutral but mostly interesting because it is an angle and deals with partnerships, relationships, reaching out into the world, the crossing of bridges and sometimes moving or signing contracts. The lord of the 10th house is always important, and apart from career, might indicate a highlight or some sort of destiny or life-purpose that falls into place and is realized. The lord of the 11th is my favorite, because it represents “hopes and wishes”, and always offers some fortune, comfort, protection or compromise. The best of the best, or the best of the worse – a way out and a soft landing. When the infortunes are associated with the 11th house, often you will see that they represent a necessary evil; something that has to be done, but for the best of all when it is all done and over. And so on, when planets act for good or bad as the rulers of the other houses. The lord of the Ascendant is always an important and opportune time for the individual himself or herself. In most cases the planets are the natural rulers of two houses, but then note whether the planet is in a masculine or feminine sign, i.e. if Mercury is in Libra, it will fetch from Gemini before Virgo; if Jupiter is in Taurus, and it will fetch from Pisces before Sagittarius.
Notice the celestial state of the planet that the Age Point is crossing (or aspecting). The stronger a planet is situated, the better. A planet in the sign of its exaltation will always show something extraordinary, and the story that follows this planet is always more spectacular. Planets in their exaltation are very strong, but they also tend to be full of themselves, ruthless, unregulated and sometimes naughty; they indicate someone who assumes more than he or she is due, and if associated with the 7th house, partners will be impressive for sure, but they can’t quite be trusted. In this way a planet in its own sign is trustworthy, a planet in its detriment or fall is just unfortunate, weak or in a poor state (not necessarily naughty), while a planet in its exaltation is more conceited and adulterous.
Note the number of degrees between two planets that follow one another in the chart. If for example, there are 4° between the bodies of Venus and Mars, this could indicate the forming of a relationship, or an affair that lasted for 8 months. If there were 6° between Mercury and Jupiter, this would indicated a time-window of 12 months or 1 year, with great activity, many travels and much commerce, sometimes education or an intellectual pursuit.
When you are working with the Age Point, keep it simple. It is much easier that way, and I promise that your enlightenment will grow as you get familiar with the technique. The first thing you want to do is look at your chart and figure out where the planets are located, at what time the Age Point will pass by them. If there are no planets in the sign, then look at its ruler, its state and the house it is in. Besides the business and affairs associated with each house, don’t forget that angular houses are more immediate and in the foreground, while cadent houses lead you into the deep. There might be obstacle or delay or you have to reach for a high shelf to get there. Also, look at the planet that rules and disposes any sign by exaltation, this will always show anything extraordinary that is going on at that time.
Life*Time Astrology
For additional reading, get hold of a copy of Anthony Mann’s “Life*Time Astrology”. I’m not suggesting that you apply his full technique, but the way he uses the 9th to the 12th houses to describe the gestation period is absolutely genius. My point is this: by combining the systems, when using the Age Point you will be able to see how conditions set in the gestation period are repeated! The mother’s illness or unfortunate circumstances in the 2nd or 3rd month, indicated by a planet in the 10th, might show something that the native needs to deal with in early youth, and sometimes even an eating disorder. My next argument is that for all the shitty things that may be seen in a chart, a child has the right for protection. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, but we don’t really know initially whether the child is victimized by circumstance, or being protected and guided in the right fashion, although weaknesses and flaw is demonstrated in the chart. The birth moment and birth chart is hence the inheritance from all those events and circumstances leading up to the native’s entry into this world, whether prenatal, external issues, inheritance from the family, past life memories or what have you. The object of the individual is to unravel the ball of yarn or wool as delivered at birth with all its knots and ties, and to resolve the puzzles and flaws of the past, placing each of them to their correct and constructive purpose. In this sense the quest of mankind is like a collective relay team, so when one person gets it right and with reason for celebration, it’s like the native crossed a finishing line, leading the team to victory and achievement, and where all the mishaps of the previous runners of the team are healed.
A 15-years cycle
With the Age Point Technique patterns are repeated or readdressed in a 15-years fashion. As the AP is directed through any sign, it may be conjunct, opposite or square to any other planet. If the AP crossed Saturn or Uranus at the age of 7, maybe the child was victimized, or the parents divorced. There are lots of possibilities, but moving the AP clockwise 90°, 180° or 270°, the event or crises is due to be reconstructed at the age of 22, 37 or 52 years. If a woman has an abortion or a painful birth, her body remembers. Now the healing and growth proprieties of the Age Point Technique is remembering what went wrong and what should have be done better at the initial stages. This puts the native in the correct situation for setting the terms and doing the right thing the next time these topics are addressed. If someone loses a mother or father, or a cherished family member at an early stage, or any stage of life really, then it is possible to honor this person and put to life some action as if they still were alive and with you at the next 15-years (or maybe 7.5 years) passage. In this way, the problem and riddle of the chart is solved and healed, and even the most difficult aspects of a chart may be used in a constructive sense.
Whatever you do with the Age Point, keep it simple! Remember, the whole idea is being able to read the chart and provide useful information for your client, without getting yourself lost in books or additional calculations. You will soon enough discover the beneficial events and opportunities that follow as the Age Point casts its sextiles and trines to planets in the chart. The sextiles and trines are equally important as the squares and oppositions, they just don’t have the same cyclic significance. Advanced students will early notice and learn how the 90° and 15 years cycle can be disected into a 45° and 7.5 years cycle. Not every passing is equally significant, but sometimes it’s startling! When the AP crosses over the degree of a current eclipse, quite unexpectedly matters may be cancelled or even collapse. If a transiting planet (major) enters the sign of the Age Point, then someone appears on the scene or enters the room who wasn’t there before. The participation of Jupiter could be like a vitamin injection, and the transit of the superior planets: Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and outer planets to the Age Point are really quite significant.
1). Keep it simple. 2). Track your chart 3). Listen to your clients – and the Age Point will show you spots, and how all is linked together. The Age Point demonstrates that the body remembers in a repetitive pattern, and through the manifestation of external events this is really evidence of the active exchange between the inner psychological pattern inherit in birth chart, and how this is manifest and unraveled through life and brought to the exterior.
Age Point Astrology – A Practical Example
Example chart: the ascension of Crown Prince Harald of Norway to the Norwegian throne

My example chart is the chart of King Harald V of Norway and dates back to the time when he was still Crown Prince. The simple exercise consists of noticing the Sun on the Midheaven of his chart. Destined to be a king? Follow the Age Point round the clock to when it entered Leo in the month of June, 1990. Now career promotions come rather awkward as far as royalty is concerned, and King Olav V was still around, approaching the mature age of 87 years on 22nd of March, 1990. I addressed the Crown Prince warning him of the promotion within his chart but suggested that the coming months would be a good time to off-load and support his father. Two months later, on 29th of May, King Olav suffered from an inflammation of the heart bag and had a stroke on 2nd of June, which left him lame on the left side of the body, but from which, he soon recovered. However, Crown Prince Harald performed as Crown Prince regent from the beginning of June, and later ascended to the thrown when his father passed away on 17th of January, 1991, the day after a solar eclipse. Olav V was deeply loved and cherished among his people as was his Son, King Harald V.
If anyone is in need of an additional exercise get out the chart of Bill Clinton and check it for the time the Lewinsky scandal surfaced. This will be good for your experience of astrological research. And do not forget your personal chart! Happy hunting!

AUTHOR: ANDREW BEVAN, QHP, DMS Astrol. – (c) 1986 – 2018
Honorary Member of Romanian Astrologers Association
(See also: “The Age Point Technique” by Andrew Bevan)
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